How Do We Serve?
Below are the boxes we feel should be checked on college applications, resumes, and social media pages, rather than a long checklist of accomplishments that represent attempts to change the world externally; before first doing the work on ourselves in order to become the change we want to see in the world.
Biogeometry and sacred geometry (balance energies and frequencies within ourselves and our spaces, for example: off-setting any adverse effects from overexposure to EMFs)
Cultivating agility in working with and being in process
Cultivating manual dexterity
Embodying the authentic self methodologies and journey
Emotional shadow and self-discovery using various proven techniques
Focusing on wellness education and integration in the areas of diet, hygiene, our environment, our words, and movements (qi gong, breathing techniques, sound methodologies)
Identifying learning styles and curricula that inspire us and our evolution
Recognizing and living according to our authentic truths
Working with various movement practices
Applied arts (sculpture, drawing, painting, photography, etc.)
Classic modern and contemporary arts
Growing and gardening
Health and wellness innovative practices
Holistic arts
​Modern studies; integrations of literature, poetry, theater, and film
Regenerative economics and government, regenerative community modeling, regenerative environmental and agricultural methods
Our curriculum changes and evolves as we learn from and work with diverse participants and delve into their individual needs.
Imagine the Next Institute allows you to discover your unique purpose, to participate in designing a world that supports the leap in evolution upon us. A world that supports people, planet, and spirit.
We give those who do not fit in or believe in the systems and structures of our current paradigm permission not to fit in or conform to them. The sooner we support creatives in not needing to fit in, the sooner they can move on to Imagine the Next. We provide a space and the tools to allow individuals to become and be their true and authentic selves.